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Victoria’s Roadmap/ビクトリア州ロードマップ

[Career Meister News]*English follows Japanese




ビクトリア州では、ナショナルプランのPhase A~Dを以下の日付で段階的に進めていきます。 

  • 926(Phase A): 16歳以上の初回ワクチン接種80%到達 
  • 1026 (Phase B): 16歳以上の2回ワクチン接種70%到達 (ロックダウンの解除)
  • 11 5日 (Phase C): 16歳以上の2回ワクチン接種80%到達 ※この段階からメルボルン都市圏とその他の地域に同じロードマップが適用されるようになります。 
  • 1119日(Phase D): 12歳以上の2回ワクチン接種80%到達 ※連邦政府のロードマップに準ずる 





■Victoria’s Roadmap Delivering the National Plan

The Victorian Government has announced Victoria’s new roadmap to deliver the National Plan.  

The roadmap is based on expert modelling from the Burnet Institute and is set against COVID-19 thresholds including hospitalisation rates, and the vaccination targets already set out in the National Plan to transition Australia’s National COVID-19 Response.  

The COVID-19 thresholds detailed in the roadmap will be important measures to maintain as Victoria moves through the different stages in order to safeguard the health system.  

Indicative dates in the roadmap include:  

  • 26 September: 80 per cent of Victorians expected to have had at least one vaccination dose. This is Phase A of the National Plan.  
  • 26 October: 70 per cent of Victorians expected to have had both vaccination doses. This is Phase B of the National Plan and lockdown will end in Melbourne.  
  • 5 November: 80 per cent of Victorians expected to have had both vaccination doses. This is Phase C of the National Plan, and regional Victoria and metropolitan Melbourne will come together under the same rules.  
  • 19 November: once 80 per cent of Victorians aged 12 and over are fully vaccinated, restrictions will align with Phase D of the National Plan.  



VIC Roadmap; 




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